Category: General


Creativity not Medication

How Rock Painting Can Help Calm Kids through creativity not medication. I have always enjoyed being creative and love to get out a bunch of paints, brushes, pens and paper. I’m only 13 (yes I’ve had a birthday since starting RockFun) and I really enjoy art at home. My parents did send me to an
Halloween rock painting ideas

Halloween Rock Painting Ideas!

It’s been a busy few days at RockFun. We’ve been painting Halloween rocks ready for a bumper hiding expedition in October (Look out Surrey). Everything from zombies, ghosts and witches, to Mummies, bats and spiders. We have produced some new guides too so look out for them. I also got a willing parent to record
Stone pebbles

Rocks: Something a little more refined.

At first we thought the same as you are probably thinking now, “Why would you buy rocks off the internet?”. It’s not snobbery, some people just like nicer rocks, especially if they are gifting them. Most of the people that fall into this category just like the fact that they can buy a perfectly smooth,

Where do you get your rocks?

A question we always get asked is… Where do you get your rocks? Everybody, everywhere Well to some it may be obvious, but not to everyone. There are so many places to acquire rocks. Once you have depleted your garden, we find the best place to source regular supplies of rocks and pebbles is the

Odd Shaped Rock Painting

NEVER dismiss a rock for not being a smooth, rounded pebble. This is a mistake, trust me. Odd shaped rocks inspire the imagination, when I see a rock thats been broken or has jagged edges, I look at what it can be rather than throw it out as useless. Some of the best lumps of