Rock Painting Supplies

RockFun rock painting equipment

If you’re new to rock painting then you may be wondering what to buy to get started. Well fear not you artistic lot, RockFun is here to help clear the faff and suggest what rock painting supplies you’ll need to get started!

Paints, brushes, pens, sprays, rocks, sealants; RockFun will help find exactly what you need as a beginner.

The Internet is full of so many different products, it is hard to decide what to choose. Many will opt for the cheapest, but there are some truly awful products out there. Don’t worry RockFun is here to help!

You are likely over thinking this, as you really do not need a lot to get started. As you improve, you will find your favourite brands and may prefer a certain brush over another. Just remember to keep it fun, this is a great little hobby that brings peace and calm.

Here are the rock painting supplies that we recommend! I do need to mention that there may be links below which I benefit from if you click and buy the items. It doesn’t cost YOU anything to use my links. RockFun is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to

Item #1: ROCKS!

Of course it is obvious that in order to paint rocks, you need a stash of rocks. We have narrowed this down to three types of crafter and written a page for each. What one are you (or will you be)?

1. Big, bulky and mixed

We at RockFun like to buy a big sack of pebbles. You get around 50 various sizes for about £5. We enjoy getting all different sizes, shapes and broken ones. If you are a fan of big and bulky then check out this post.

Where do you get your rocks?

2. Smooth, flat, shapely and refined

There are people who sell lovely, perfectly formed craft rocks. You may like the fact that you can buy a perfect, smooth, shaped rock without sorting through any dirty, broken ones.

Check out our guide to different types of smooth “crafting” rocks.

3. Make your own rocks!

Did you also know that some crafty people actually make their own rocks to paint. They really do! Why? Well if you are the type of artist that sells your creations then you may want all your rocks to be uniform in size and shape. By making your own, this becomes easy!

Check out our guide to making your own rocks for arts and crafts.

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