Tag: problems

Start up Micro business problems

RockFun UK have had their fair share of issues, and for a micro business this can hurt.

Oliver with packages to post

DIY Postie

Since Amazon said I cannot send any more stock due to the CoViD-19 breakout, I’m having to ship orders myself. The Post Office hours are a bit random right now too. So to ensure everyone gets there orders without delay I’m having to post them in postboxes. I do hope they arrive to their destinations
2nd hand envelopes

Business Learning 101 – Don’t forget your essentials.

I’ve learnt a lot by starting a business. Recently I’ve come across many issues that I would never have foretold. From clicking the wrong boxes on Amazon so that I made no profit due to unforseen costs and commissions, to running out of everything from envelopes to printer ink. Yes, I’ve come across all of